If you’ve been trying to deal with your own IRS audit problems – and getting nowhere – is this happening to you?
You’ve been calling the automated system (commonly known as ACS) and you speak to a different IRS rep every time. They give you their badge id # and then you feel like you have to explain your situation all over again! Or, one person may give you a different answer than the next rep you speak to – now, you’re really confused.
What if your case has a revenue officer assigned: you’ve been calling and calling and the RO is non-responsive and is not getting back to you in a timely manner or at all! You feel you’ve been proactive and attempted to address the situation directly – but your attempts have fallen on deaf ears.
We hear stories like the above two scenarios literally daily! Our experienced staff consisting of former IRS revenue officers, Tax Attorneys and CPAs will get through to the appropriate representatives and will move your case towards a final tax resolution.
The IRS and State can often times take a very aggressive posture which is both intimidating and stressful. If you are not well versed in what to say or NOT to say, further complications can arise and your tax problems will simply snowball downhill. In a similar, but different fashion, the IRS audit rep can appear on the surface to be friendly and helpful. However, at the end of the day, they will not advocate for you. They will not thoroughly provide you with all the options that exist. They will not inform you of the collection alternatives that can be implemented. They will not always advise you of your appeal rights and explain that the Appeals division is a separate collection arm of the IRS and that many cases are resolved at the appeals level.
Hire the best: Levy & Associates will provide the most personalized service in the industry. Our team of tax professionals will allow you to sleep well at night and focus on your professional and personal lives. We give you your life back. Remember, you want a LEVY on your side – not one against you.